Friday, February 11, 2011

You are my happiness

My joy,
my love,
my sweet repose
You are the balm on my psychic wounds
Making tender thoughts once raw

The blackest pit
is cozy now
that the soft light of you
fills every corner
of a once lonely life.

I will rain kisses down
over the landscape of your perfection
praising every portion
of the ever wondrous whole
that is you.

Forever my life will be
lived in your honor
in thanks to you
for taking pain
and giving cherished love.

To you I am indebted
and hope to never fulfill
my obligation so that
each day I can wrap you up
in my gratitude.

You are the song
that caresses my lips
and lifts my heart
and dampens my eyes in joy
to be a vessel for affection.

With you I am invincible
and will hold back all storms
that threaten to take you from me,
the greatest threat of all,
for without you I am nothing.

Let me be mighty for you
as it is you who make me so.
Every talent, skill, and knowledge
in my treasure trove
lives only for you.

My princess,
my queen,
my goddess,
I am your humble servant
trembling from need for you.

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