Wednesday, February 16, 2011

In Celebration of You

There are no prose to express
the joy I've found in you
and I hope you will forgive
this meager attempt
to make you smile.

Here's to a treasure chest
to lighters, chapstick, sunglasses;
the beauty of simple plunder.

Here's to a mouth with curved smiling lips
which offers heartfelt laughter
and the sweetest kisses;
which loves all things cinnamon
and hates all surprises.

Here's to loving Henry
and finding a vacation
in a day filled with lego trains,
and so many sticky fingers.

Here's to sighs so lovely,
eyes that shines and softest skin,
to sacred quiet moments,
that you share with only me.

Here's to a love of wine
and loving it more when shared.

Here's to enjoying the adventure
in anything anywhere.

Here's to crying with old women,
of things too profound for words.

Here's to being a superstar
even when you don't feel it.

Here's to everything we'll share
even if we haven't yet.

Here's to loving all I know of you
and the more I'll come to know.

Here's to the warmth you fill me with
when you don't do anything at all.

I love you when you try to charm me,
when you say comforting words.
I love you when you're too tired,
and your feet too sore.

I love you when you're whiny,
and when you pout.
I love you when you're strong and proud,
the banisher of childish doubt.

I loved you yesterday,
and I'll love you forever,
but today was the anniversary
of you coming into the world
and if I were a religious person
I'd surely thank my lord.

Because I know one thing
above all others
and I want you to know too
I never would have known true happiness
if it weren't for all I've found in you.

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