Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Music plays inside of me
singing out to you
adding a bounce to internal dialog
an unfamiliar smile
teasing at my lips

Thinking of you
has become a secret indulgence
fluttering joy inside me
pressing my compulsion
to make you laugh again

For what could be sweeter
than the dancing in your eyes
the curve of happy lips
the warmth of blushing skin
all for me

I am greedy for you
and wholly unashamed
at my selfishness
another first inspired by you
another source of gratitude in me

I want, need, demand
your all
the thought of which makes me giggle
like a school girl
with no comprehension of loss or pain

My necessity is fulfilled in you
proving that lightening does strike
no matter how unlikely
and I am the lucky winner
with all the effervescence entailed

For in my heart I know
without doubt
that as much as I have won you
you have also won me
and consider this once sad end

a prize.

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