Wednesday, February 23, 2011

my oh so sexy baby

That special magic glow
I fell in love with as a child
staring into the infinite night skies
has somehow found its way
into the shining perfection of your eyes.

How do you know
how to curl those lips
to cast a tingling spell
shooting lightening through my veins
making me need to breath you in?

My skin has memorized the vibration of your purr
and whispers it to me
when I close my eyes
recalling the luscious lilt
of your every precious word.

You make me so deliciously uncomfortable.

I feel as though I am but a humble medium
chosen through blind helpless luck
to be the vessel through which
the universe fulfills its only mission:

to make mad passionate love to you,
the ineffable matrix of all creation
aligning to this one.
striving with each breath,
with all that I can ever be,
to give to you one moment
worthy of your glorious love.

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