Tuesday, February 8, 2011

So Dirty

My mind is in the gutter
when I lay in my bed alone
each night with only memories
to wrap my legs around
and desires which scream your name

Do you remember the massage?
Your hot voice letting me know
that so much was not needed
for me to own all of you
and yet I pleaded to continue

I had to slow down
had to stay my urges
needed to imprint every inch of you
on my faulty memory
to be replayed again and again

Each night my hands roam
over your sweet scented body
inhaling deeply
grasping at the phantom of you
my body crying out for reunion

The sound of your breath haunts me
The tensing and releasing of your muscles
under my needy hands
the satisfaction of your sighs
driving the fevered pounding of my blood

When will you let me own you again?
It cannot be soon enough
I crave only you
every inhalation is pain
without the promise of you in the air.

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