Saturday, February 5, 2011


The pace is fast
faster than I want to admit
and even the charted territory
seems new and dangerous
now that the goal has a face

I am strong and capable,
smart and creative,
the solution to every problem;
but you are the solution to me
and what drives me is no longer theory

Do you know my need?
Do you feel the pressure
my begging to be let in?
bound by the chains of physics
from my true place

I am destined to be yours
your comfort,
your partner,
your relief from an unforgiving world
that does not see you as I can

My every strength is yours
use me well or use me poorly
it does not change my purpose
it cannot change my love
the meaning of which I have just come to understand.

You unlock me
by letting me unlock you
I know myself anew
through my knowledge of you
and I wouldn't take back a single second.

I have a million words
and will find the moments
to say each and every one
to fill you, lift you, rejoice in you
but for now there are only four:

eight and one half.

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