Sunday, February 13, 2011

My Match

Your friends seem to know
so little of you
even less of me
and yet for so long
they have had your ear to bend.

There is no animosity in me
for their good intentions
but a fire has been ignited
and burns so hot and bright for you
to scare away the shadows their doubt summons.

Please do not misunderstand
my faith in your love is strong
and should their doubt become embodied
in any form which eyes could see
I know you would slay it.

You are strong for me and with me.
My heart is certain
that you stand at the ready
to strike fear into the hearts
of any who would do me ill.

Perhaps there are angles of attack
to which I am blind
as I fear you are
to seeds of harm
which strike only from within.

My dearest beauty,
for whom I could write endless prose,
I want to kiss your eyes awake
to the unique dangers
of unfounded trepidation.

Always do I say yes
to the weighing of logical concerns.
In so many ways
I have shown my religious devotion
to reason, reality, truth.

Yet, while holding judgement
and prizing fact over emotion
are indeed deeply correlated;
causation is an unjustifiable assumption,
and a ruinous one.

Let us abandon for a moment
the rosy glow of love
through which I always compose
when the perfection of you
is held in my mind.

In the stark gray light of consequence
where does hesitation now really lead?
Two paths diverge
and down each swaying time line
are so many faces of regret.

What do we even know of regret?
For I used to think I knew
of love, appetite, lust,
yet now the years before
hold only shallow landscapes.

No one gets what we have.

What we share only exists
due to the wonder that you are
and what wonder is in me
yet more because in our love
our lives are aglow with glorious new possibility.

Here and now,
as our seed takes root,
we tend our love
watching it grow into magnificence;
so much is woven into all that we will be.

Let me not regret
leaning into the fall.
Please forgive me
for enjoying the plunge.
Never have I been so terrified and alive.

At every opportunity
I will make your life a dream
of romance, love, and beauty
and will never be satisfied
by less than the soul of you.

You could so easily drive me to madness
by holding yourself back from me.
Pining, burning, perishing,
thinking you might feel
one heartbeat less than I.

Push me away and I will go,
my heart in your hand,
but my feet on the path,
into a lonely noir future.
All progress; no heart.

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