Friday, February 25, 2011


Her day begins before the sun.
Knowing all she must get done.

Her feet hit the floor,
her mind alive,
she enters the world on top.

She already conquers
all she encounters,
She simply cannot stop.

Before the sun rises,
she has thwarted crises,
bolstered morale,
and righted wrongs.

Each error that's made,
at her feet it is laid.
She puts all back
where it belongs.

She runs without sustenance,
without time for rest,
and all falls inline in her wake.

Without all the back rubs,
the romance, the wine,
and all I would do for her sake.

To the innocent,
for whom she rights the world,
all seems to run on magic.

Without a thought,
he has perfect faith,
his life will never be tragic.

When he falls asleep,
he's at peace beneath the covers.

For what should you fear,
when a goddess is your mother?

Her business finessed,
she turns to the domestic,
no filth or disarray escapes her.

The day may be finite,
but her patience is not,
operations in her hands just purr.

Meals and fun and sleep are arranged,
for those who dwell in her hospitality.

Not a thought need be spared,
for those in her care,
their needs are met in totality.

She lays her head down
far too late each night
and rises again so early.

Does she even spare
a little thought there
for when she last did something girly?

So few moments stolen for her
to restore her godlike virtues.

though she could surely command,
anything within her purview.

And in those few moments,
if she thinks of me at all,
I hope she blushes head to toe,
and rushes quick to call,

knowing how I worship her,
and long for another kiss,

knowing how I need her love,
how everything about her I miss,

knowing my need to feel her close,
to make her shudder and moan,

knowing all I cannot do,
yet long to through the phone.

and if all that brings her just one smile,
one sigh of happiness,

then that is all I could ever want,
until I can get her undressed.

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