Monday, February 21, 2011

The Oddities of the Day

Today unfolded so strangely,
Yet without rancor;
A series of events
To which I was not the main
but a central player.

You were in my mind throughout.

As my misery unwinds me
Releasing me slowly to myself
I have been pushed by need
Eat, sleep, smoke, rest,
Step by step reclaiming my humanity.

Into this daze of rehabilitation
The consequences of life have drifted
Requiring my participation
And I have swayed without fight,
for in you I have peace.

The storms have come and gone
I have played advisor,
host, friend, philosopher,
each role coming so easily
my heart safe with you.

The pang of missing our time
Knowing your voice would linger brief
Was real and yet not desperate
Knowing too it would come again
and we would share all.

Was I with you today?
As you awoke and drove,
arrived and were welcomed?
For my heart was there
hoping to strengthen you in every moment.

The world is strange
and not quite right
when you and I do not
each night share our senses
weaving everything whole.

We will right this wrong
and I will celebrate in you,
with all the joy in me,
rewarding every neuron you possess
for being near enough for me to touch.

You are my truest love
and the vibration of matter
will not ring quite as sweet
until we are truly together
mind to mind,
body to body,
heart to beating heart.

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