Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pre Digested Memes

The language of love
closeness, affection, trust.
Effecting communication.
Adding another dimension of emotion.
I know what you mean.

You know what I mean
not at first
not without a journey
but on the path
the mental travel interweaves us.

Do you know why
my emotional territory
most comfortably settles in fives?
I worry that with anything less
I must be missing some hidden shade of meaning

Emotions are the precious veins
of experience always just
just out of reach
of pure, raw, words.
Something ergonomic is needed.

Sharing across the distance;
and I do not mean our bodies
but rather the infinite chasm
that separates individual mind from all,
Real alliance is a complex entity.

So I realize -
only because I am driven by you,
by my love of you,
by my need of you -
that communication is fractal.

Not linear.

How much is conveyed in a reference
to a book, to a place, to any noun
which is more than words
which is a shared emotional knowledge
that in sharing creates a new vaster landscape?

How much of what I give you
could only be delivered whole
to someone so interested in the grander implication
of every concept issued in my voice
as to be listening for more than bit for bit rendition

Always am I striving more
to understand and to convey,
Yet how can I warn with love
of the permanence of this process?
the end of which is rare and irreversible.

Somehow I cannot escape
my trust in you.

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